September 16, 2012

Childs Park

Across the street from my house is a park called Childs Park. All I can see from my house is a row of HUGE pine trees, maybe 30 - 50 feet tall. I always knew that the park was big, but I guess I assumed it was just a big park full of pine trees. Needless to say I was so wrong. The park is absolutely amazing. There are flower gardens, including a rose garden, ponds paved and un-paved trails, pine trees...yes, but there are also countless other types of trees. The best part of the park is that there is a huge meadow on the side by my house and for the most part it always seems to be empty. People are usually on the other side of the park. I guess this is going to be my personal section of the park. :) 

I'm totally thrilled that I live where I do, even if I take the bus for an hour each day. 

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