August 26, 2012

Un-upholstery (I Hate Staples)

Lets just say that in order to make the couch look like this: 

I had to remove all of this from the frame.

As usual I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I took on this upholstery project, but it seemed like a great idea. I spent some amount of time for each of 5 days working on removing staples. I am very glad that I spent the extra money to buy the staple remover! I can't imagine how long removing all of those would have taken if I had not bought the staple remover. I also used needle nose pliers and a lot of gusto. There were two days that I had to stop because my hands hurt and at least 1 day that I had to stop because my arms were tired. At the very end I just couldn't go on any longer, so I counted to see how many staples were left, thinking that if I knew how many there were left I might keep going.  There were exactly 28 staples left and it took a full hour break before I could muster up the strength to pull them all out. Once the staples were all out I took a nap! :)

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